Monday, August 3, 2009


CAUTION: This is NOT for the faint of heart or people who don't possess of a sense of humor about racial epithets. Also, for people of non-black descent who don't understand the n-word lexicon in the black community- don't try! Just let us have our discussions and issues and NEVER, NEVER use it, think it or feel it!
Now, on with my thoughts...

I was on Facebook, just flipping through the Home page. One of my students had put a witty status update regarding her wishes for birthday gifts, which included "men." In response, one of her friends said she would go to "" to get one for her. I immediately added a comment of my own, saying basically I wish a nigga could go to and build the man of my dreams from scratch because the current products on the market ain't workin' out for me! The whole situation was so ticklish to me that I decided to Google "" That didn't pull up too much because I guess the US Patent office given the OK for that, lol. So I did a few variations like taking off the ".com" part and and typing "build a man" sure enough, there are plenty of thoughts on "building a nigga."

Ironically though, I've been thinking about building a "white dude", lmao!

Here's what other ladies on the 'Net think about 'building a n*****: