Monday, August 3, 2009


CAUTION: This is NOT for the faint of heart or people who don't possess of a sense of humor about racial epithets. Also, for people of non-black descent who don't understand the n-word lexicon in the black community- don't try! Just let us have our discussions and issues and NEVER, NEVER use it, think it or feel it!
Now, on with my thoughts...

I was on Facebook, just flipping through the Home page. One of my students had put a witty status update regarding her wishes for birthday gifts, which included "men." In response, one of her friends said she would go to "" to get one for her. I immediately added a comment of my own, saying basically I wish a nigga could go to and build the man of my dreams from scratch because the current products on the market ain't workin' out for me! The whole situation was so ticklish to me that I decided to Google "" That didn't pull up too much because I guess the US Patent office given the OK for that, lol. So I did a few variations like taking off the ".com" part and and typing "build a man" sure enough, there are plenty of thoughts on "building a nigga."

Ironically though, I've been thinking about building a "white dude", lmao!

Here's what other ladies on the 'Net think about 'building a n*****:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Team Cakesy

Friday, June 19, 2009


It was 1996 and I was a freshman in college. One night I was watching TV after going to school all day and working at the FAMUAN (my college newspaper) half the night. I finally got and and was flipping through the tube. I happened to stop on the old BET show Midnight Love to unwind and then it happened. I heard the opening notes. Then in a flash, a sexy man was on spinning on the floor and all of a sudden... I heard his voice. That sexy, smooth yet passionate voice singing "Didn't you dig the way I rubbed yo back girl..." and it was straight OVER! I was in love with that voice from then on. It's a love affair that has continued for more than 13 years. I just have to hear that voice and I melt.

Some people question why am I devoted to this particular artist. They say "Sure, he's good and all that, but why the almost slavish devotion and admiration for an artist and one who records so frequently at that." To make it worse, he's an artist who actively runs away from the typical trappings and fame that most artists and entertainers crave. To answer, it's simply the music. The melodies, the lyrics and the soul Maxwell puts into his craft is a truly divine gift. It touches me to my soul and lifts me up; even his most sad and deep songs move me higher in my spirit. To quote another favorite, Eric Benet, it's "a Spiritual Thang!" Those who aren't similarly affected are likely not to understand. That's okay. Because when I play a Max (as he's affectionately known amongst his devoted fans) song, I am totally immersed. I truly feel it to my core and it's a beautiful thing that I crave often.

Seven years after his last disc Now, Maxwell is finally giving his fan what they want: an album of new material. Thank goodness for BET CEO Debra Lee, who convinced Max to perform on the BET Awards in 2008 as part of a trio of talented artists in tribute to soul music legend Al Green. Anthony Hamilton and Jill Scott are two of my faves, but Max truly brought down the house with his version of Green's "Simply Beautiful". The performance was just that: simply beautiful. Max's voice was clear and deep despite the long time off. His dance moves were still on point although their more restrained nature were proof of his increasing maturity and grace. Because of that performance and the subsequent tour that followed, he has finally gotten back on the map again. He’ll release the first in his new trilogy BLACKSummers’NIGHT on July 7. I can’t wait! I’m not expecting a retread of old stuff. Hell, I have all of that. I just want to get that feeling though. It’s like this: whenever I'm low inside, I can play him, no matter how old the song is and be lifted. That's a truly rare gift for any artist. That's why I'll always be a fan.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

New to this

Hello blogging world! I've given in and finally decided to start blogging. I know a lot of folks have specific messages they talk about with their blogs. That's cool! It's nice when people have a true and devoted interest, even if it's not one I share. However, I do have several interests and issues that I follow. So...I'm a true embodiment of an old journalism school saying: I know a lot, but am an expert at nothing. Long story short; this blog will be about whenever creates "Thoughts from the Locs".